
The  World  Wide  Web,  accessed through the  Internet, is home to retailers  from every possible area, and the beauty  industry is no exception. Consumers not only have the  chance to buy beauty  products from  the Web sites of stores  where  they are available,  but  they  can  also purchase them  directly  from  the  companies that manufacture them. Many online retailers  specialize  in beauty  products, including and

Online Advertising

The   advertising market has  been   completely revolutionized  by  the  Internet. While print, television, and radio advertising is still prevalent, online advertising is securing an ever increasing segment of the  market. A huge  number of Web sites use advertising to pay for their  costs  and  earn  a profit, and  as a result  advertisers are able to cater  their  material to the  readership of specific Web  sites. Beauty  industry  retailers  can pinpoint women and  men  of various  ages for their  products, and provide  them  with a quick  link to a purchasing opportunity.

The  World  Wide  Web  also serves  as a host  to numerous sites  dispensing information regarding beauty. Sites  such  as and  www. provide  how-to guides,  makeup tips  and  tricks,  and  beauty regimens. While  they are not direct  retailers, sites like these  and others frequently recommend products to their  readers, who in the same manner which  they found the information, can easily click to find the manufacturer of the product or a retailer that  sells it.







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