Category: Male Beauty

  • Maxim

    Maxim  is a monthly men’s magazine founded in 1995  that  features articles  about men’s health, fashion, sports, consumer goods, and other male activities and men’s culture. It is most readily identified with the rise of self-indulged, fashion-conscious metrosexuals. The  magazine is also well known for its non-nude photography of female  celebrities, models, musicians, and  actresses,…

  • Men’s Magazines

    Magazines for American men,  dealing  variously  with topics  as diverse  as politics, health and  fitness,  fashion and  other aspects of consumerism, sexual  health and performance, and  travel, can be traced  back to the 18th  century. Since  the 1980s and 1990s,  magazines directed at men  with a range  of interests and sexual identities have expanded dramatically.…

  • Male Grooming

    The  preoccupation with male grooming, most  closely associated with the modern phenomenon of the  metrosexual and  his fastidious rituals  of hair  and  skin  care and  physical  fitness,  is not  simply  the  product of late-20th-century consumer culture. Men  have  been  obsessed with  their  physical  appearance for centuries. In the ancient Egyptian world, for example,  men  practiced…

  • Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ)

    Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ) has been  in existence for more  than half a century. The magazine, originally  owned  by the publishers of Esquire (f. 1933) was launched in 1957,  under the  editorial direction of Everett  Mattlin. This  new  publication, an upmarket venture intended to whet the consumer appetites of fashion-conscious men  of style and provide  a…