Category: Beauty Magazines

  • Trade Journals and Publications

    Specialized magazines, newsletters, and  trade  journals devoted to beauty  include product information, reports on the  status of the  profession, and  various  beauty association  interests  and   activities—including  government  lobbying  actions, articles  on  trends, and  professional advice  for  both new  practitioners and  seasoned entrepreneurs. Catering to  a wide  range  of beauty  industry interests, trade  journals may  be…

  • Teen Market

    The  teen  market refers  to a representative group of the  population made  up  of girls and  boys aged 14 to 18 years. Tradition has it that  the  teenager was born of the 1950s rockers and beatniks. However, increasingly America  began  referring to adolescent youth aged 14 to 18 as teenagers. From  its inception, the term …

  • Seventeen

    Seventeen magazine, for teen  girls, was first published in 1944.  Publisher Walter Annenberg and  Seventeen’s first  editor  Helen Valentine created a magazine that has  now  become the  queen of the  teenage magazine market stand. This  service magazine for young  women was the  first of its kind  in the  United States.  Since the  inception of Seventeen,…

  • Men’s Health

    Men’s Health was launched in 1987, under the editorial leadership of Mark  Bricklin, as a general  health and  fitness  magazine for American men. The  president of Rodale Press, Robert  Teufel, conceived of the magazine as a workout and healthy lifestyle  magazine in  keeping with  the  philosophy of  its  founding company. J. I. Rodale created Rodale…

  • Maxim

    Maxim  is a monthly men’s magazine founded in 1995  that  features articles  about men’s health, fashion, sports, consumer goods, and other male activities and men’s culture. It is most readily identified with the rise of self-indulged, fashion-conscious metrosexuals. The  magazine is also well known for its non-nude photography of female  celebrities, models, musicians, and  actresses,…

  • Men’s Magazines

    Magazines for American men,  dealing  variously  with topics  as diverse  as politics, health and  fitness,  fashion and  other aspects of consumerism, sexual  health and performance, and  travel, can be traced  back to the 18th  century. Since  the 1980s and 1990s,  magazines directed at men  with a range  of interests and sexual identities have expanded dramatically.…

  • Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ)

    Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ) has been  in existence for more  than half a century. The magazine, originally  owned  by the publishers of Esquire (f. 1933) was launched in 1957,  under the  editorial direction of Everett  Mattlin. This  new  publication, an upmarket venture intended to whet the consumer appetites of fashion-conscious men  of style and provide  a…

  • Fashion Magazines

    Women the  world  over look  to fashion magazines to guide  them  in their  clothing,  accessories, and  makeup choices. Illustrated periodicals related  to  fashion and  style began  to circulate soon  after the invention of the movable type press  in the 15th  century. Part gossip, part news, clothing was not  the main  focus  of these pamphlets, but …

  • Ebony

    Ebony, first published on  November 1, 1945,  is a monthly magazine that  chronicles  the  social,  political,  economic, and  cultural activities  of people  of African descent in the United States and abroad. Founded by John H. Johnson, Ebony was influenced by the  popular Life magazine—a mainstream publication that  used  a distinctly photojournalist  style  to  capture scenes …

  • Cosmopolitan

    Cosmopolitan magazine, originally  named The Cosmopolitan, was launched in 1886 as a general-interest family magazine by Schlicht and Field Publishers. It changed publishers several times  and  eventually enjoyed success as a leading  publisher of both serialized  novels  and  short stories. The  1950s  saw the  rise  of inexpensive paperbacks and television, and circulation declined for magazines…